Our projects

Terr.a creates innovative solutions to accelerate the energy transition. Explore our renewable energy projects, which embody our values of agility, commitment and sustainability, for a sustainable future.
Wierde, vue du ciel

Wierde Agrivoltaic Project

Commissioning: 18/09/2023

Total capacity: 10.1 MWp

Annual production: 10,500 MWh


10 Mw under instruction

10 Mw authorised

2 ground-mounted solar projects


173 Mw under development

103 Mw under instruction

50 Mw authorised

10 Mw in operation

32 ground-mounted solar projects

5 storage projects


36 Mw under development

1 Mw under instruction

3 ground-mounted solar projects

2 roof, shade or hangar projects


3 Mw under development

1 Mw under instruction

3 Mw authorised

23 roof, shade or hangar projects

Pays de la Loire

9 Mw under development

17 Mw under instruction

4 Mw authorised

2 ground-mounted solar projects

16 roof, shade or hangar projects

Centre-Val de Loire

3 Mw under development

37 Mw under instruction

4 ground-mounted solar projects

3 roof, shade or hangar projects


1 Mw under development

46 Mw under instruction

1 Mw authorised

3 ground-mounted solar projects

10 roof, shade or hangar projects

New -Aquitaine

217 MW under development

22 Mw under instruction

16 Mw authorised

4 roof, shade or hangar projects

30 wind power projects

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

2 Mw under development

1 Mw authorised

1 ground-mounted solar projects

3 roof, shade or hangar projects


147 Mw under development

22 Mw under instruction

2 Mw authorised

3 roof, shade or hangar projects

23 wind power projects


52 Mw under development

3 Mw under instruction

1 Mw authorised

8 ground-mounted solar projects

18 roof, shade or hangar projects

Great East

150 Mw under development

1 Mw authorised

8 ground-mounted solar projects

1 wind projects


1 Mw under development

2 Mw under instruction

1 Mw authorised

14 roof, shade or hangar projects

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